Good Evening !!! So sorry I've been away for a few weeks! Life has just been a bit crazy, and yes, I have been in a major FUNK! Probably because I have not been able to run for the past 3 weeks!! 3 WEEKS!!!! Yes, I am going crazy! "Somebody call a Doctor!" That is exactly what I did not do! ( Hey there was no bruising or swelling ) So the thigh has been sore the past few weeks. I'm blaming it on overuse. I think I was just running an awful lot in prepartion for this marathon of mine. Obviously, the marathon will not be happening! Gotta get this Blondie back on the Run! Literally!

I have been doing some serious cross training mixed with weights. I thought maybe I could dumb down the Marathon to a Half....... until I ran 3miles yesterday, 3 miles on the treadmill, one 800 mg. Ibuprofen, Ice, and a couple hours later and I'm afraid a half marathon maybe out of my reach right now!!! Just some dull aches, but still aches! I'm gonna try a short run tomorrow and access the situation later in the day.
( not this kind of Situation haha)
I already have a runner ready to take my place. Key word "my place" in the Marathon. I just have to learn that I can't fix a hurt overnight. Sometimes it takes a bit of time and alot of patience. I just wanna run again and regain my sanity!!!! (plus my bottomless pit of a stomach!) haha
Off to watch me some UNC Tarheels keep kicking Marquette's booty!!!!
Going to the Farmer's Market and Mennonite Stores tommorow A.M.! I will let you know what good deals I find!!!!!
Question~ Is anyone one else suffering from an injury! What are you favorite workouts right now?
Ahhh....Beth! I have been a bad commenter--I am sooo sorry! I am also sooo sorry to hear about not being able to run the marathon--I know that meant a lot. My heart goes out to's to a speedy and fast recovery!!