Friday, March 25, 2011

In a Funk......

Good Evening !!!  So sorry I've been away for a few weeks! Life has just been a bit crazy, and yes, I have been in a major FUNK!  Probably because I have not been able to run for the past 3 weeks!! 3 WEEKS!!!! Yes, I am going crazy! "Somebody call a Doctor!"  That is exactly what I did not do! ( Hey there was no bruising or swelling ) So the thigh has been sore the past few weeks. I'm blaming it on overuse. I think I was just running an awful lot in prepartion for this marathon of mine.  Obviously, the marathon will not be happening! Gotta get this Blondie back on the Run! Literally! 

I have been doing some serious cross training mixed with weights.  I thought maybe I could dumb down the Marathon to a Half....... until I ran 3miles yesterday, 3 miles on the treadmill, one 800 mg. Ibuprofen, Ice, and a couple hours later and I'm afraid a half marathon maybe out of my reach right now!!! Just some dull aches, but still aches! I'm gonna try a short run tomorrow and access the situation later in the day.
  ( not this kind of Situation haha)

I already have a runner ready to take my place.  Key word "my place" in the Marathon.  I just have to learn that I can't fix a hurt overnight. Sometimes it takes a bit of time and alot of patience.  I just wanna run again and regain my sanity!!!! (plus my bottomless pit of a stomach!) haha 

Off to watch me some UNC Tarheels keep kicking Marquette's booty!!!!

Going to the Farmer's Market and Mennonite Stores tommorow A.M.! I will let you know what good deals I find!!!!! 

Question~ Is anyone one else suffering from an injury! What are you favorite workouts right now?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I HEART Larabars

I  recently have been forced to eliminate gluten from my diet. Being a runner, carb loading has become quite challenging because of the no wheat or whey policy for this body.  Did I also mention I am Lactose intolerant as well. I've lived with the no milk thing almost my entire life, which has not been a big deal.  If I wanted a bowl of ice cream, I just popped in a Lactaid pill. (they work amazingly) This whole gluten free thing is not as easily cured.  For the past few months I've been experiencing alot of GI issues.  My doctor suggested eliminating gluten from my diet and seeing how I felt.  GUESS WHAT??? IT WORKED!!! No pain, no bloating, etc.... ( I will spare you the rest of the details!)  So for now I will remain on a gluten free diet. Being a runner, it has become quite difficult to find other foods to do carb loading. Snacking sometimes becomes a challenge too.  I mean, how much fruit and veggies can a girl eat during the day?  ( I average probably around 10lbs a day or at least it feels that way:)  Larabars have become a great sweet treat. They are gluten free, some are soy free, dairy free, vegan, kosher, and No GMO! LOVE IT!  Most bars contain less than 10 real ingredients! My favorites are the Cherry Pie, Apple Pie, Chocolate Chip Brownie, Banana Bread and the Chocolate Coffee! The Lemon Bar tastes like Pine sol to me- but hey, some people love them. Off to eat half of my Apple Pie Larabar....yum yum yum yum!